Apple is set to launch the iPhone SE on Monday, and Samsung already seems to have an answer for the upcoming iPhone. According to reports, Samsung is likely to launch a ‘Galaxy S7 Mini’, which will directly compete with the 4-inch iPhone. It is expected to come with flagship-level specifications, albeit in a compact package.
According to the report, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Mini will feature a 4.6-inch HD (1280×720 pixels) display, and will be powered by either a Snapdragon 820 chipset or an Exynos 8890 chipset. It is also expected to include 3GB of RAM, 12-megapixel rear camera, all fit into a form factor that is only 9.9mm thin.
It all seems to be pure speculations at the moment. It is worth noting that last year there were numerous rumors about the Galaxy S6 Mini, but that never happened evidently.
In the meantime, all eyes are on the Apple iPhone SE, which is believed to be a mid-range device replacing the ageing iPhone 5s. It is widely expected to look like a love child of the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 6s. As for specifications, rumors say it will feature a 4-inch Retina Display, variants of the A9 processor, M9 co-processor, 1GB of RAM, and a combination of 8-megapixel and 1.2-megapixel FaceTime cameras.
Apple’s A9 is the processor used in the latest flagship iPhone 6s and 6s Plus devices, which were released in September of last year. After 9to5Mac recently reported that the iPhone 5SE will be similar to the design in iPhone 5S, and will include hardware and internals matching those of iPhone 6; another report from the reliable Apple news website has indicated today that the hardware in the iPhone 5SE will match the iPhone 6s more, instead of the reported iPhone 6.
According to the 9to5Mac reports, the tech giants from Cupertino were concerned that if the iPhone 5SE contains the A8 chipset, it might put real daylight between this handset, and the next flagship release set for September 2016, iPhone 7. Chipsets aside, iPhone 5SE is also reported to boast an always-on Siri feature, which allows the user to launch Apple’s digital assistant by just saying “Hey Siri!”.
What is more interesting to note is that the iPhone 5SE will be launched in 16GB and 64GB variants, not the 32GB storage space variant. iPhone 5s is set to be discontinued in the wake of the 5SE’s launch, and is widely expected to assume the 5s’s price points as well. March 14th is the date reported for the launch of the new 4-inch iPhone. However, it is not yet clear whether Apple will launch the new iPhone via an online announcement or a launch event.
The new iPad Air 3 and latest models of the Apple Watch with new bands and colors are also in development, and reported to be the part of Apple’s arsenal for Fall 2016.
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