FAN is the story of Gaurav (Shah Rukh Khan) a young man, aged 20 or something, whose world revolves around the mega movie star Aryan Khanna (Shah Rukh Khan) or can be referred as GOD according to him. When things don't go happen to his plan, Gaurav’s love and passion for Aryan Khanna (Shah Rukh Khan) turns in to a dangerous obsession that crosses the limit line. Watch an edge of the seat thriller, FAN which will peel away at both Gaurav and Aryan’s personalities and characters as the two men discover people within themselves that even they didn't know existed.
It visible in the trailer how things get alter during the film. The stunning action scenes are remarkable and the film is going to make a remarkable milestone to Shah Rukh Khan's film industry. It was earlier a news in the media about the shooting of the same film outside Shah Rukh Khans home that he was not allowed to enter his own house, which gained a lot of attraction to the movie. The Film is directed by Maneesh Sharma. The shooting of the film has been done in Mumbai, Croatia and New Delhi. The film is exptected to be realeased on April 15, 2016.
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